Eucalypt genetics: fundamental and applied research in a post-genome era

This conference was hosted by the Eucalypt Genetics Group in 2019.

It marked 20 years since the first Molecular Genetics of Eucalyptus symposium held in Hobart in 1999. Enormous advances in this field occurred in the 20 years since then, including the publication of the eucalypt reference genome in 2014.

The conference brought together researchers working in fundamental and applied disciplines to i) review the national and international advances since the reference genome project was completed, ii) identify future research challenges and foster a coordinated approach to develop new genomic resources, and iii) channel advances to benefit the conservation and utilisation of eucalypts.    

It included talks from national and international leaders in the field and provided opportunities for networking among scientists working across diverse disciplines.

The four-day conference included talks, posters and a field trip, organised in six major themes:

  • Phylogenetics and Evolution

  • Comparative Genomics

  • Population and Adaptation Genetics

  • Conservation and Restoration Genetics

  • Genetics of Complex Traits

  • Genetic Improvement

Organising committee: Dr Rebecca Jones (University of Tasmania), Dr Rose Andrew (University of New England), Prof. Brad Potts (University of Tasmania), Dr Paul Rymer (Western Sydney University), Dr Dorothy Steane (University of Tasmania) and Prof. René Vaillancourt (University of Tasmania).

link to conference program

Link to conference abstracts

2019 Eucalypt genetics conference video