Eucalypt evolution

Eucalypts are a quintessential component of Australian landscapes. There are more than 700 diverse species, ranging from the tallest flowering plant in the world (E. regnans) to prostrate shrubs clinging to cold, rocky mountain tops (e.g. E. vernicosa, pictured) to dry-adapted mallees with massive possum-pollinated flowers (e.g. E. rhodantha).

We study evolutionary relationships among species, as well as micro-evolutionary processes, the evolutionary significance of hybridization, historical migration routes and climatic refugia.

We also enjoy collaborating with the Theoretical Phylogenetics group at UTAS, such as Barbara Holland and Mike Charleston, and physiologists in Tim Brodribb’s group, to study trait evolution.

Key researchers in this theme include Rebecca Jones, René Vaillancourt and Brad Potts.

Interested Honours, Masters and PhD students can contact the group using the contact form at the bottom of this page.