Restoration, adaptation and conservation genetics

Restoration and adaptation genetics: Tree species are fundamentally important in restoration because of their role in structuring the living communities, and modulating essential ecosystem processes. Eucalypt gene pools are diverse and this variation can be harnessed to maximize long-term success of restoration plantings, at the same time helping to maintain genetic diversity and integrity of our flora. We have been involved in partnerships with Greening Australia as well as CSIRO Environment in research aimed at providing a genetic framework to guide restoration in the face of climate change. As part of our collaboration with Greening Australia we have established a major experimental infrastructure as part of their Midlands restoration plantings in Tasmania (more information here).

Conservation: Genetic resource management is an important element in forest conservation, as genetic diversity is essential for the long term evolutionary stability and productivity of forest species. We use molecular and quantitative genetic data to contribute to conservation management plans for endangered as well as more widespread species of economic or ecological significance.

Key researchers in this theme include Peter Harrison and Rebecca Jones.

Interested Honours, Masters and PhD students can contact the group using the contact form at the bottom of this page.