Our research infrastructure

  • Research field trials

    The Eucalypt Genetic Group has an extensive network of experimental field trials established through collaborations with various organisations and private landholders. For example, as part of our collaboration with Greening Australia we have established a major experimental infrastructure as part of their Midlands restoration plantings in Tasmania (pictured above).

  • Molecular lab

    We are based in the Discipline of Biological Sciences at UTAS which hosts the UTAS Central Science Laboratory’s Molecular Genetics Facility and a new multi-purpose containment laboratory fully equipped for BC2 biosecurity work.

    We hold frozen DNA, RNA and tissue collections for a broad range of eucalypt species in the Discipline’s ultra low temperature freezer facility.

  • Controlled Environment Facility

    The Discipline of Biological Sciences also hosts the state-of-the-art Controlled Environment Facility, which offers a variety of options when it comes to growth facilities. The PC2 and Quarantine facility offers laboratory space with direct access to glasshouse and growth chamber capacity, and these areas can control both temperature and day length. The main facility offers a range of options for plant growth, ranging from growth cabinets with precise day length and temperature control, open glasshouse with day length control and heating and cooling to avoid temperature extremes, and animal-proof outdoor growing areas.

    The Eucalypt Genetics Group has an extensive seed collection sourced from a range of eucalypt species.