• Erin Bok

    PhD Candidate

    Supervisors: Julianne O’Reilly-Wapstra, Peter Harrison, Geoff While

    Erin is investigating what drives variation, availability and quality of food for the endangered forty-spotted pardalote. The forty-spotted pardalote relies on manna, a sugary exudate produced by white gum (Eucalyptus viminalis). The outcomes of this research will provide vital information on the ecological and evolutionary relationships between the forty-spotted pardalote and E. viminalis and directly inform conservation strategies to aid its survival and associated communities under changing environmental conditions.

  • Dr. Jak Butler

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    Jak’s research primarily focuses on the use of genomics to enhance investigations into different aspects of plant communities and physiology. His research has been focused on the Australian eucalypts, examining gene family divergence, disease resistance, genomic architecture and environmental adaptation. He is also examining phenology in lentils and chickpea, incorporating genomic data alongside field and laboratory trials to characterise causes of variation in flowering time.

  • Zander Field

    Honours student

    Genomic based predictions of dieback in Eucalyptus viminalis

  • Dr. Jules Freeman

    Jules Freeman is a Senior Scientist in Forest Genetics in the School of Biological Sciences. His work spans genomics, quantitative genetics, and the genetic basis of trait variation with special interests in plant disease and drought tolerance. He has conducted research since 2001 in native and production forests. Much of Jules’ work has focussed on eucalypts. Recently, with Scion, he has focussed on conservation genetics and breeding approaches to reduce the impact of myrtle rust in New Zealand forests, radiata pine genomics and drought tolerance. Jules works with groups specialising in bringing together quantitative genetics and genomics, to aid tree improvement, and promote healthy native and production forests in the face of climate change.

  • Ellen Gunn

    PhD Candidate

    Supervisors: Peter Harrison, Julianne O’Reilly-Wapstra, Dean Williams

    Ellen’s project examines the influence of seed source (provenance) choice on the performance and resilience of eucalypt forest revegetation by generating new knowledge on the genetic basis of climate adaptation in the ash eucalypts (Eucalyptus obliqua, E. delegatensis, E. regnans). This will contribute to our understanding of forest tree adaptations and their vulnerability to future climate stress, and provide an evidence-based framework for seed-sourcing to promote resilient forest revegetation in the face of climate change, thus improving the management of forest resources globally.

  • Dr. Peter Harrison

    Postdoctoral Researcher

    Peter’s research focuses on discovering the key climate drivers that shape local adaptation in Eucalyptus. This has been achieved by capitalising on novel genetic tools and climate association modelling frameworks, combined with multi-population glasshouse and common garden field trials established using range-wide seed collections for multiple eucalypts.

  • Gabrielle Hartill

    PhD Candidate

    Supervisors: Rebecca Jones, Tim Brodribb, Ben Halliwell, Chris Blackman.

    Gabrielle is a PhD student with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture incorporating phylogenetic comparative methods to study physiological traits associated with drought and/or frost tolerance across a broad eucalypt phylogeny.

  • Dr. Rebecca Jones

    Rebecca works on various aspects of eucalypt genetics including population and conservation genetics, phylogenetics, and evolutionary processes such as hybridisation in eucalypts. She is also interested in developmental traits such as flowering and phase change, how variation in such traits has shaped eucalypt evolution, and the practical importance of these traits in forest management and tree improvement. She teaches genetics, plant biology and conservation units at UTAS and loves embedding research into her teaching practice, delivering content through hands-on activities and excursions to the Eucalypt Genetics Group’s experimental sites, where students collect and analyse data and contribute to long term data sets.

  • Prof. Julianne O’Reilly-Wapstra

    Julianne’s research bridges the fields of forest ecology, genetics, plant chemistry and wood quality to explore variation in tree traits and how these are influenced by ecological and evolutionary processes primarily in eucalypt and pine systems. With extensive experience in plant defences against browsing by mammalian herbivores, Julianne's research has had a strong focus on genetic-based variation in herbivory and plant secondary defences, the evolution of plant defences to herbivores, community and ecosystem genetics, and impacts of abiotic factors on plant resistance. More recently her research has branched into the socio-economic implications of forestry, expanding her research enquiry across broader areas of forestry-based research. Julianne has held numerous leadership positions within the University in both academic and professional staff roles, and she is now Dean of Natural Sciences at UTAS.

  • Emeritus Prof. Brad Potts

    Brad is now retired but still research-active: he is involved in co-supervising student projects, and has an important mentorship role within the group. Brad’s research spans diverse fields from tree breeding, reproductive biology, conservation and forest restoration, evolutionary biology to community genetics. A major line of research is the genetic control and adaptive significance of variation in tree phenotype, integrating quantitative and molecular approaches. Several research projects are aimed at predicting future changes in the adaptive surface of eucalypt species and testing provenancing strategies to ensure resilient forest restoration.

  • Nana Yaw Sarpong

    PhD candidate

    Supervisors: Rebecca Jones, René Vaillancourt, Brad Potts

    Nana’s project aims to understand the genomic architecture of quantitative traits in Eucalyptus nitens. The project will focus on traits affecting resistance to drought, heat, diseases, and pests - stressors that are expected to increasingly impact forests under climate change.

  • Dr Dorothy Steane

    Adjunct Senior Researcher

    Dorothy’s research focuses on population genetics, phylogeny, evolution, adaptation and biogeography of Eucalyptus.

  • Nicholas Stratmann

    Honours student

    Nicholas' project investigates how yellow gums across elevation gradients have adapted to their local environments and predicts vulnerability of these populations as the climate changes.

  • Paul Tilyard

    Research Assistant

    Paul provides invaluable research support to the group.

  • Adjunct Prof. René Vaillancourt

    René is now retired but still research-active, involved in co-supervising student projects, and has an important mentorship role within the group. René’s specialty is using DNA based tools to better understand plant species. He has worked on hundreds of species, but focuses on the eucalypts, with major contributions towards their conservation, understanding their evolution, mating system, genomic architecture and the genetic control of complex traits that are important to their adaptation and utilisation.

Past students

2024 - Angus Whittington (Hons). Adaptive evolution of vegetative life history traits in Australian eucalypt species

2024 - Mariano Agustin Hernandez (PhD). Genomic analysis of variation in reproductive and stress traits in eucalypts. Now working as a Tree Improvement Manager at seedEnergy.

2024 - Thais Ribeiro Pfeilsticker (PhD). The role of hybridisation in eucalypt evolution. Now working as a Forensic Scientist at Forensic Science Service Tasmania.

2022 - Manuel Rocha (PhD). Genetic and environmental controls of traits affecting profitability of pulp and solid-wood production in Eucalyptus nitens

2021 - Ellen Gunn (Hons). Uncovering signals of climate adaptation in Eucalyptus viminalis. Now undertaking a PhD.

2021 - Nicola Potter (Hons). Early age provenance performance and outcrossing rates of Eucalyptus viminalis. Now a technician at CSIRO.

2021 - Gabrielle Hartill (Hons). Climatic influence on adaptive traits in Tasmanian eucalypts. Now undertaking a PhD in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success.

2020 - Henry Nickolas (PhD). Genetic control of economic traits in Eucalyptus globulus

2020 - Nicolò Camarretta (PhD). Bridging the divide between remote sensing and forest ecological restoration: applications for effectiveness monitoring

2019 - Declan Reeves (Honours). Preserving the gene pool of the rare endemic, Eucalyptus morrisbyi

2018 - Jakob Butler (PhD). Studies of eucalypt genetic and genomic architecture. Now a postdoc with the group.

2017 - Ben Gosney (PhD). Community genetics of eucalypts: Provenance effects on canopy communities, potential drivers and underlying QTL

2017 - Peter Harrison (PhD). Integrating Climate Change into Conservation and Restoration Strategies: The case of the Tasmanian eucalypts

2017  - Akira Weller-Wong (Honours).  Seed selection for resilient restoration plantings of Eucalyptus pauciflora. Now an Estuary Scientist at Derwent Estuary Program.

2016 - Hans Ammitzboll (Honours).  The genetic architecture of traits associated with drought and fire adaptation in Eucalyptus globulus

2016 - John Senior (PhD). Evolutionary History can shape Belowground Ecological Interactions in Eucalypts

2016 - Mario Vega (PhD). Characterisation of Eucalyptus nitens Plantations for Veneer Production

2015 – Christina Borzak (PhD). Defensive chemistry and resistance of eucalypts .

2015 – Adam McKiernan (PhD). The effects of soil water deficit on physiological, morphological and chemical traits of Eucalyptus.  Now Research Scientist (Weed Science) with the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

2015 – Yoshiaki Kohno (Honours). Genetic and environmental factors affecting establishment of eucalypt seedlings in restoration plantings.

2015 – Jordan Whitmore (Honours). Parallel adaptations of Eucalyptus species to the dry Midlands region of Tasmania.

2014 – Matthew Larcombe (PhD). Exotic gene flow from plantation to native eucalypts. Now Lecturer in the Botany Department, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

2014 – Archana Gauli (PhD). Genetic diversity and adaptation in Eucalyptus pauciflora.

2014 – Ally Pasanen (Honours). Genetic variation in the phenotypic plasticity of Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. pauciflora Sieb. ex Spreng.

2014 – Yiping Chen (Honours). DNA fingerprinting in Eucalyptus dunnii.

2013 – Helen Stephens (PhD). The effects of different forestry practices on two native rodent species, the swamp rat (Rattus lutreolus) and the long-tailed mouse (Pseudomys higginsi). Now working at the Office of Research Services, UTAS, assisting staff and students with funding applications.

2013 – Sam Adlard (Honours). Conservation genetics of the Tasmanian endemic Eucalyptus barberi. Now teaching science and maths grades 7-12 and working at a boarding school as a residential tutor, supervising, tutoring and doing holiday camps.

2012 – David Blackburn (PhD). Improvement of Eucalyptus nitens for sawn-board, veneer and paper products. Now Project Research Officer at UTAS.

2012 – Corey Hudson (PhD). Mapping, QTL and population genomics in eucalypts. (Honours 2007 – Genetic studies of the Eucalyptus gunniiarcheri complex and related species on the Central Plateau). Now Research Scientist with Tasmanian Alkaloids.

2012 – Peter Harrison (Honours). The population genetics of Eucalyptus cordata. Now postdoctoral researcher at UTAS.

2012 – Carmen Whiteley (Honours). The relative importance of genetics and environment in shaping the foliar community phenotype of Eucalyptus globulus. Now Policy Officer for Grain Growers.

2011 – Sara Hadjigol  (MSc). Evidence for natural selection acting on genes affecting lignin and cellulose biosynthesis in Eucalyptus globulus. Now a Ph.D. Student at the University of Newcastle.

2011 – Kieren Rix (PhD). Genetic and environmental factors affecting the germination of Eucalyptus globulus seed. Now in the Graduate Research Office within the Office of Research Services at UTAS.

2010 - Adam McKiernan (Honours). Effects of genetics and environmental factors on E. pauciflora traits

2010 – Des Stackpole (PhD). Genetic parameters of the physical and chemical wood properties of cool temperate eucalypts.

2010 – Alex Matthews (Honours). Evolutionary processes in the Tasmanian alpine white gum complex.

2009 – Rebecca Jones (PhD). Molecular evolution and genetic control of flowering in Eucalyptus globulus species complex. (Honours 2000 – Morphological and molecular variation in the Eucalyptus globulus Labill. complex).  Now lecturer at UTAS.

2009 – Benjamin Gosney (MSc). Linking host genetic variation with dependent communities: The case of Eucalyptus globulus.

2009 – Cate Hirst (Honours). Spectral and morphological variation within the Eucalyptus gunnii-archeri and the closely related E. urnigera on the Central Plateau.

2009 – Zach Holmes (Honours). Genetic control of leaf flammability in Eucalyptus globulus.

2008 – Justin Bloomfield (Honours). Genetic diversity in Tasmanian Eucalyptus obliqua.

2008 – Shaun Suitor (PhD). Factors affecting capsule and seed set in Eucalyptus globulus seed orchards. Now Strategy Manager at Sustainable Timber Tasmania

2008 – Sascha Wise (Honours). Marker development for Eucalyptus nitens in the Tasmanian landscape. 

2008 – Juan Carlos Valencia (MSc). Application of non-destructive evaluation techniques to the prediction of solid-wood suitability of Eucalyptus nitens plantation grown under a range of thinning strategies.

2007 – Prue Loney (PhD). Links between ontogeny, chemical and physical characteristics of foliage and mammalian herbivory in Eucalyptus nitens.

2007 – Matthew Hamilton (PhD). The genetic improvement of Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens for solid wood production. Now Quantitative Geneticist with CSIRO Agriculture.

2007 – Marian Wiltshire  (née McGowen) (PhD). Genetic control of reproductive traits in Eucalyptus globulus. Marian Wiltshire (Honours 2000 – Clinal variation in the yellow gum complex). Now Communications Manager for Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System.

2007 – Michelle Storer (Honours). Relative influence of host plant genetics on a macrofungal log decay community.

2006 – Fiona Poke (PhD). Genetic variation in the wood chemistry of Eucalyptus globulus. (Honours 2001 – Lignin biosynthesis genes in Eucalyptus).

2006 – Natasha Wiggins (PhD). Effects of plant secondary chemistry on foraging behaviour of mammalian herbivores.

2006 – Jules Freeman (PhD). Linkage map and QTL analysis in Eucalyptus globulus.

2006 – Alison Miller (PhD). Vunerability of a focal plant to browsing by generalist mammalian herbivores: relative importance of self and neighbours.

2005 – Greg Dutkowski (PhD). Improved models for the prediction of breeding values in trees. Now Quantitative Geneticist with PlantPlan Genetics Pty Ltd.

2005 – Tim Jones (PhD). Population genetics of native and domesticated Eucalyptus globulus. (Honours 1999 – Genetic variation in suceptibility of Eucalyptus globulus to insect pests and the role of foliar chemicals in resistance).

2005 – Simon Whittock (PhD). Across-rotation factors affecting genetic improvement of Eucalyptus globulus. (Honours 2000 – Chloroplast DNA phylogenetic reconstruction of Eucalyptus L’Hérit., Myrtaceae). Now hop breeder with HPA.

2005 – Yvonne Otahal (Honours). Gene flow from Eucalyptus globulus plantations.

2005 – Jon Humphreys (Honours). Genetic variation and rapid analysis of defensive chemistry in E. globulus.

2005 – James Marthick (Honours). The phylogeography of two eucalypts. Now Senior Research Assistant, Menzies Institute for Medical Research.

2005 – Anthony Mann (Honours). Variation in Eucalyptus morrisbyi: associations between leaf attributes and resistance to a marsupial herbivore.

2004 – Gay McKinnon (PhD). Reticulate evolution in the Tasmanian eucalypts. Now Illustrator.

2004 – Robert Barbour (PhD). Gene flow from introduced Eucalyptus plantations into native eucalypt species. (Honours  1999 – Gene flow between native and planted eucalypts).

2004 – Julianne O’Reilly (PhD). The phenotypic and genetic basis of browsing resistance of Eucalyptus globulus to marsupial herbivores. Now Professor and Head of Discipline at UTAS.

2004 – Luke Rapley (PhD). Eucalyptus globulus leaf chemistry and variation to insect attack.

2004 – Rachel King (PhD). The role of historical and contemporary processes in structuring genetic variation in a eucalypt species complex.

2003 – Peter Bundock (PhD).  Genome mapping and QTL analysis in Eucalyptus globulus. Now Research Fellow at Southern Cross University.

2003 – Damien Rathbone (Honours). Genetic differentiation in a regionally rare eucalypt, Eucalyptus perriniana.

2002 – Peter Volker (PhD). Quantitative genetics of Eucalyptus globulus, E. nitens and their F1 hybrid. Now Chief Forest Practices Officer at the Forest Practices Authority.

2002 – Gustavo Lopez (PhD). Quantitative genetics and breeding of Eucalyptus globulus

2002 – Leanne Pound (PhD). Self-incompatibility in Eucalyptus globulus and E. nitens.

2002 – Susan Foster (Honours). Local differentiation in Eucalyptus globulus.

2002 – Andrew Hingston (PhD). Pollination ecology of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. subsp. globulus and Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden (Myrtaceae).

2001 - Fiona Poke (Honours). Lignin biosynthesis genes in Eucalyptus.

2000 – Michelle Watson (Honours). Seed and seedling quality in Eucalyptus globulus.

2000 - Rebecca Jones (Honours). Morphological and molecular variation in the Eucalyptus globulus species complex.

2000 - Marian Wiltshire (née McGowen)  (Honours). Clinal variation in the yellow gum complex.

2000 - Simon Whittock (Honours). Eucalyptus chloroplast DNA phylogenetics.

1999 – Jules Freeman (Honours). Phylogeography of Eucalyptus globulus.

1999 – Claire Turner (Honours). Eucalyptus risdonii rules.

1999 - Tim Jones (Honours). Genetic variation in susceptibility of Eucalyptus globulus to insect pests and the role of foliar chemicals in resistance.

1999 - Robert Barbour (Honours). Gene flow between native and planted eucalypts.

1999 – Dean  Williams (PhD). Flowering and seed production in Eucalyptus nitens.

1994 – Paula Chambers (Honours). An examination of the natural variation and genetic control of survival in Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus, and implications of incorporating survival in selection.

1998 – Rachel Lawrence (Honours). The response of dependent communities to ontogenetic and genetic change in Eucalyptus: The case of the Eucalyptus globulus x nitens hybrid system.

1997 – Heidi Dungey (PhD). The susceptibility of hybrid eucalypts to pests.  (Honours 1991 – Hybridisation in between Eucalyptus nitens and E. globulus). Now Leader of Genetic Research Programs, Scion, New Zealand.

1997 – Craig Hardner (PhD). Inbreeding in three forest eucalypts. (Honours 1992 –  Some aspects of inbreeding in Eucalyptus globulus).  Now Research Fellow at the University of Queensland.

1997 – Hamish Jackson (Honours).  Variation in the chloroplast DNA of Eucalyptus globulus.

1997 – Corinna Kelly (Honours). An examination of the natural variation and genetic control of relative bark thickness in Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus.

1996 – Katherine Nesbitt (PhD). The use of RAPD technology in Eucalyptus globulus. (Honours 1991 – The development of RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) techniques in Eucalyptus globulus).

1995 – Michelle Sale (PhD).  Relationships in Eucalyptus using chloroplast DNA.

1995 – Martin Tyson (Honours).  The determination of size and the estimation of age of genotypes in a mallee eucalypt stand.

1995 – Matt Hayden (Honours).  Mapping QTLs for growth, flowering and wood properties in Eucalyptus globulus.

1993 – Andrea Manson (Honours). Character inheritance and success in artificial hybrids if Eucalyptus gunnii and E. globulus.

1992- Paul Chalmers (Honours). The adaptive significance of juvenile versus adult leaves in Eucalyptus globulus.

1991 – Robert Wiltshire (PhD). Heterochrony and heteroblasty in the Eucalyptus risdonii Hook.F./ E. tenuiramis Miq. complex.  Now Senior Lecturer at UTAS.

1991 – Anne McEntee (Honours).  Variation and hybridisation in Eucalyptus barberi.

1990 – Jon Marsden-Smedley (Honours). Ecology of moor-copse boundaries in South West Tasmanian oligotrophic environments.

1984 – Michael Shaw (Honours). Variation within and between Eucalyptus coccifera and E. nitens.

1981 – Ian Macleod (Honours). Seed germination in five species of eucalypts.